The $600 million Rural Electricity Transmission and Distribution project aims at ensuring reliable electricity supply to rural area, with increasing power generation capacity, reducing system loss

Bangladesh will host a three-day regional consultation of the “Nansen Initiative” on climate change, disasters, and human mobility in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region, beginning tomorrow in K

This report aims to: conceptualise and analyse the relationships between microfinance and adaptation, map out what could be considered good microfinance practice for adaptation, or “adaptation-oriented microfinance,” and identify types of adaptation projects and activities that microfinance institutions (MFIs) could be involved in to take full

Global agricultural production is heavily sustained by irrigation, but irrigation system efficiencies are often surprisingly low. However, our knowledge of irrigation efficiencies
is mostly confined to rough indicative estimates for countries or regions that do not account for spatio-temporal heterogeneity due to climate and other biophysical dependencies. To allow for refined estimates of global agricultural water use, and of water saving and water productivity potentials constrained by biophysical processes

Despite mounting protests, Japan continues to finance the building of coal-fired power plants with money earmarked for fighting climate change, with two new projects underway in India and Banglades

Korean company Kunhwa Engineering will rehabilitate and expand 376 kilometres of water pipelines for Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority.

RAJSHAHI : By dint of their relentless and sincere efforts, more than 1,105 underprivileged ethnic families of 26 villages under Godagari upazila of the district have attained food security and sel

DHAKA : The World Bank (WB) will construct at least 330 new cyclone shelters in the cyclone prone areas of Bangladesh by 2017, reports BSS.

People of frontier Jhenaigati, Sribordi, Nalitabari upazila of Sherpur district are suffering for want of pure drinking water in this dry season.

The news has published on dated 22 March 2015 in your daily about Bt Brinjal but Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) authority did not agree with this report.
