An open letter sent by nearly a hundred Indian scientists to the Supreme Court. They write in support of the report of the Supreme Court's Technical Expert Committee (TEC) calling for a 10 year moratorium on GM field trials while regulation is put in order.

Highlighting the possible disastrous consequences of field trials of Genetically Modified (GM) crops, an expert committee has recommended to the Centre to implement a 10-year moratorium on such trials on Bt. Transgenics in all food crops.

In its interim report submitted to the Supreme Court, the Technical Expert Committee (TEC) said: “Based on current overall status of food safety evaluation of Bt. Transgenics, including the data on Bt. Cotton and Bt. Brinjal examined by the TEC, and in accordance with the precautionary principle, the TEC recommends a 10 year moratorium on field trials of Bt. Transgenics in all food crops. Another factor is the possibility of contamination of non-GM food by GM food.”

Farmers belonging to the Naujawan Kisan Club on Saturday expressed concern at the interim report of the technical expert committee of the Supreme Court that has recommended a review of the benefits

The present study on the plant nematodes associated with Bt cotton crop growth in northern Karnataka, India covered several aspects like a nematode random survey in Bt cotton-growing areas of the state, nematode community analysis, pathogenicity and biology of a dominant nematode and reaction of Bt cotton cultivars and hybrids to that nematode. A random survey undertaken in the Bt cotton-growing districts of northern Karnataka for the associated nematodes in

Hybrid seeds, including biotech seeds, represent new business opportunities in India based on yield improvement, according to Usha Barwale Zehr, chief technology officer of Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company.

“Approximately 7,000 plant species are estimated to be used for human consumption, of which just four crops - wheat, maize, rice and potato - provide half of the total world food production and 15 crops contribute two-thirds. Many of these crops are grown in India, which has the potential to become a major producer of biotech rice and vegetables,” she told Business Standard.

A 10-year blanket ban on field trials of genetically modified (termed Bt) crops, proposed by an expert committee set up by the Supreme Court, has set off alarm bells, especially in the cotton sector.

A senior government official said it would be like gifting a 10-year monopoly on Bt cotton to a single company, Monsanto, and clipping the wings of upcoming competitors, such as Bayer, Dow, DuPont and Syngenta, and some public sector companies.

This is an interim report of the Supreme Court technical expert committee dated 07.10.2012, in response to public interest litigation on GMOs. The committee has considered issues that relate to the conducting of field trials and food safety and exposure to the environment as raised in the PIL.

The Andhra Pradesh Government will probe the reported attack of sucking pests on Bt cotton in some parts of the State.

It contributed to a cumulative national farm income of $9.4 bn between 2002 and 2010

Bt cotton has delivered significant benefits to all members of the agricultural value chain in the country, and has contributed to a cumulative national farm income of about $9.4 billion between 2002 and 2010, turning India from an importer of cotton to an exporter, according to T M Manjunath, a consultant in agricultural biotechnology and integrated pest management.

Who doesn’t like simple stories? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could toss out villains and live happily ever after? Unfortunately, this happens only in fairy tales.
