Gandhinagar: Scientists at government agriculture research station at Talod in Sabarkantha have developed a new BT hybrid variety of cotton.

Since last week, a new study on the benefits of genetically modified (GM) crops is hogging headlines in national and international media.

The environment ministry's Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) has cleared field trials for genetically modified rice, wheat, maize and castor for the Kharif season of 2013.

The controversial Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill which was introduced in the Lok Sabha in April has been released for public consultation on June 11.

Genetic modification in agriculture involves the release of modified living organisms into the open environment. It is a technology which is at present imprecise, potentially hazardous and irreversible.

The farmers’ awareness programme on soil test crop response studies conducted at the cotton research Station, Veppanthattai, recently helped agriculturists understand the importance of standardised

Monsanto study says crop in four Gujarat districts showed susceptibility to pest

The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) is learnt to have received a report confirming pink bollworm developing resistance to Bt cotton in four districts in Gujarat. The apex regulator of genetically modified (GM) crops is likely to consider these findings by Monsanto and Mahyco scientists in its next meeting.

State-wise and year-wise Bt cotton area in India, Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 6491, dated 07.05.2013.

After cancelling its licence to sell 12 varieties of Bt cotton seeds last year, the State government has allowed Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco) to sell the seeds in the coming kharif season, subject to certain conditions.

Confirming this, State agriculture commissioner Umakant Dangat told The Hindu on Monday that Mahyco had given an affidavit to him stating that the company would supply 10 lakh packets of Bt cotton seeds of the popular MRC 7351 variety.

The Maharashtra government has lifted the ban on sale of Bt Cotton seeds supplied by Mahyco Seeds for the coming Kharif season "in public interest".
