At a time when river networking is being touted as a panacea for the entire country’s water woes, the tide of opinion in Karnataka is turning against the concept. The dissent is moored to a proposed local scheme to divert Nethravathi river

One usually does not associate malaria with a desert environment. Common sense dictates that mosquitoes, that breed only in stagnant water, would give arid, water scarce spaces such as a desert a wide go by. But that is not the case in the Thar desert. Ra

Does the concept of interlinking India's rivers hold water? The debate rages on...

As the Cauvery river dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu gets reduced to a politico legal wrangle, focal issues remain unaddressed

In a last-ditch bid to save their dying crops, farmers of drought affected Namunda village in Haryana breached the Delhi-Rewari canal recently. They resorted to this extreme step to

The Valencia water tribunal has stood strong for a thousand years; will modern day pressures crush its influence?

While coming down heavily on the "Greater Thal Canal Project', the Karachi city district government in Pakistan has asked the federal government to stop its construction immediately. The city council

Orissa and UP villages once again prove that people are better managers of natural resources than today s obdurate governments

Gujarat s minister for major irrigation projects needs to understand that big dams alone do not add up to water management

The Himachal Pradesh government has made it mandatory for all
