The Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRCL) is yet to start carbon auditing for the MG Road-Baiyappanahalli stretch on which commercial operations began more than two years ago.

Around the world, policymakers are facing the challenge of finding the most efficient systems to limit global warming pollution. Nations, states, provinces and cities are increasingly using efficient, market-based emissions trading programs as a way to cut carbon, forming a world of “bottom-up” climate actions.

This brief published by Rights and Resources Initiative examines the status of existing legal frameworks regarding Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ rights to trade forest carbon in in 23 low and middle income countries, representing 66 percent of forest area in LMICs.

This working paper explores the question of target “time frame” and its implications for the generation and use of tradable emissions units.

EU carbon prices rose as much as 3 percent to a 13-month high of 6.88 euros on the ICE... Read More

Iran plans to set up a carbon trading market to reduce industrial emissions of climate-warming gas, an official from Iran's Fuel Conservation Organization (IFCO) told oil ministry news service Shan

The share of global emissions covered by emissions trading is expected to rise by 70 percent from a 2005 basis, according to this report released by International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) with detailed factsheets on all existing and planned emissions trading systems.

The Chinese city of Tianjin on Thursday launched the country's fifth emissions trading scheme as the world's biggest-emitting nation took another step towards reining in its impact on the environme

Fifteen U.S.

China's Guangdong province has warned emitters that unless they bid for carbon permits in government auctions at a regulated minimum price, they will not receive any free permits under the nation's
