This paper focuses on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. It also addresses the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.

This paper discusses the probable impacts for children of different ages from the increasing risk of storms, flooding, landslides, heat waves, drought and water supply constraints that climate change is likely to bring to most urban centres in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It also explores the implications for adaptation, focusing on preparedness as well as responses to extreme events and to changes in weather patterns.

Capacity development for policy makers: addressing climate change in key sectors

This publication is focused on providing an overview of adaptation from a business perspective. It describes potential impacts of climate changes, risks and opportunities for business, and why business should consider adaptation planning and measures.

This report summarizes work of the global project, which provides a platform for next phase. This document concentrates on presenting an assessment of the current situation. While it sketches some broad solutions, the focus of the next phase will be to add detail.

Subhash Narayan NEW DELHI

THE energy coordination committee headed by prime minister Manmohan Singh has suggested imposition of a carbon tax on polluting power stations. The proposal would club India with a select group of countries that tax carbon emissions directly and boost the renewable energy initiative.

Within a handful of decades, climate in many parts of the United States is expected to be significantly warmer than even the warmest years of the 20th century, increasing the risk of drought, flooding, forest fires, disease, and other impacts across many regions. "Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments' is designed to help local, regional, and state governments prepare for climate change by recommending a detailed, easy-to-understand process for climate change preparedness based on familiar resources and tools.

The Hokkaido communique on climate change of the Group of Eight countries does not lay down targets for emissions reductions in the developed countries. Yet the G-8 asks developing countries to take more meaningful mitigation actions. How does India's new national action plan propose to deal with climate change and how is it different from the approach being suggested by the G-8?

A new report offers suggestions on how to minimize the impacts of climate change on ecosystems. Climate change is threatening forests, rivers, wetlands, and coral reefs as well as the valuable, life-sustaining services that these ecosystems provide. A report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Center for Environmental Assessment suggests tools, some of which are already in use, to minimize the impact of climate change by making the ecosystems more resilient to disturbances.
