The landscape of urban mobility is changing. The change is driven by many issues: urbanization and socio-economic shifts; increasing concerns around resiliency; citizen engagement; digital disruption and shifting customer needs. Mobility infrastructure and business models are adapting to the new environment.

India’s renewable energy development has become a symbol of the country’s capacity to rapidly adopt new technology and a focal point of India’s efforts to avoid greenhouse gas emissions while meeting its growing energy needs.

Limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C reduces the severity of climate change impacts on our natural and human systems.

Five years from the initial launch of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) first ever country specific low carbon technology roadmap (LCTR), the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) and IEA collaborated again, working with nine CSI member companies in India (ACC, Ambuja Cements, CRH, Dalmia Cement (Bharat), HeidelbergCement, Orient Cement,

International climate talks in Paris set an ambitious goal: limiting global warming to 2°C by 2100. Reaching that goal will require investing an additional $1 trillion per year until 2050 in clean energy and other sustainability projects.

SMP2.0 has been collaborating with six cities to test and refine its methodology and tools for integrated sustainable urban mobility planning. Indore has been one of the six cities and has worked with Ford Motors (lead), BMW Group, Feedback Brisa Highways (Ezeeway), Volkswagen and Fujitsu from July 2014.

This report sets out the results of a piece of work to develop a comprehensive set of sustainable mobility indicators for cities.

The WBCSD launched a report, titled ‘Water, Food and Energy Nexus Challenges,' which indicates that increasing demand for agricultural products will strain land, water, energy and other resources, as well as contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Faced with increasing extreme weather events and changing traditional weather patterns due to climate change, the power sector has become disturbingly vulnerable, making climate risks assessment, building resilience in electricity infrastructure and the development of new business models, a priority.

These are the first-ever guidelines for the chemical companies worldwide and other interested stakeholders published by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and the World Business Council of Sustainable Development (WBCSD) on how to measure, manage and communicate avoided greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of value chains where chemical products are used.
