Over the past half-century, WWF and many other groups have worked to conserve the world's most exceptional ecosystems and endangered species, promote sustainable use of natural resources, and reduce pollution and wasteful consumption

Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change has shown that the earth temperature has increased by 0.74 degree C between 1906 and 2005 due to increase in anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. It is estimated that crop production loss in India by 2100 AD could be 10-40% despite the beneficial effects of higher CO2 on crop growth. Dynamics of pests and diseases will be significantly altered.

This report is a synthesis of Innovations in Wildlife Conservation: Reducing the Impact of Global Warming on Wildlife, a national symposium hosted by Defenders of Wildlife in 2007. Scientists presented the latest scientific findings and outlined the challenges related to the impacts of global warming.

Global warming is confronting developing countries across the globe with enormous challenges not of their own making. The impacts of a warming world are now threatening to set back progress in improving the quality of life for billions of people. Water resources are likely to be impacted early and strongly in many countries; developing countries, however, are the most vulnerable.

The poorest countries are suffering most from climate change. It endangers successes in poverty alleviation and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals as well as the ecological, economic and social stability of developing countries. For this reason, tackling climate change is also one of the main elements of sustainable development.

This report, to support the implementation of UNDP's India country Programme Action Plan 2008-2012, is based on an assessment study on climate change adaptation activities in the country.

This paper seeks to provide some answers, and to lay out the
state of play in the fledgling field of climate adaptation finance. It provides a conceptual model for the relationship
between adaptation and development. It reviews estimates
of adaptation costs and the funding chasm with existing
sources of adaptation finance. It also assesses existing and

UNEP has more than twenty years of experience working on climate change. UNEP helped establish the IPCC with the WMO in the 1980s and conducted assessments of the scientific understanding of climate change in preparation for the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development. UNEP also supported the negotiation of the UNFCCC, which entered into force in 1994.

Bangladesh has a climate change action plan AT A UK-Bangladesh conference in London, Bangladesh launched its Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan in September. The uk agreed to provide

IGES organised a policy forum on Asia's Post-2012 Climate Regime, with the theme "Towards the Copenhagen Agreement - Challenges and Perspectives" on 9 and 10 October 2008 in Kyoto, in collaboration with the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).
