BONN (Germany): Taking forward the concerns of developing countries, the BASIC nations - Brazil, South Africa, India and China - have resolved to take up all the critical issues, including access t

BONN, Germany: Negotiators have so far failed to break the ice on the issue of pre-2020 impasse here during the ongoing UN climate change conference.

The Paris Agreement requires countries to articulate near-term emissions reduction strategies through to 2025 or 2030 by communicating nationally determined contributions (NDCs), as well as encouraging the formulation of long-term low-emission development strategies (Article 4.19). In response, many countries have either submitted or are preparing mid-century strategies.

This report critically analyses perceptions on the NDC implementation progress among national and sector experts involved in NDC processes in emerging and developing countries.

Small island nations, who face the prospect of getting submerged by the rising sea-levels, have been demanding a provision for compensation for damages that countries like them suffer due to climat

BONN, Germany: President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement has turned the US official engagement here at UN climate conference a low-key affair, but the country's non-fed

Stalemate over inclusion of pre-2020 actions in the agenda of the ongoing UN climate conference (COP23) continues as the rich nations have, so far, not agreed to the demand of developing countries.

BONN: Developing countries including India have asked the rich nations to ratify the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (2013-2020), guiding their climate action for next three years, b

Syria has decided to sign the Paris agreement on climate change, the world’s final functioning state to do so.

This report explores key opportunities and challenges associated with assessing progress on climate adaptation at the global level, addressing one of the main questions on ways to move forward, arising from the goals of the Paris Agreement.
