The National Biodiversity Action Plan approved in November 2008 to augment natural resource base and its sustainable utilisation. The Plan draws from the principles of National Environment Policy,incorporates suggestions made by a consultative committee and proposes to design actions based on the assessment of current and future needs of conservation and sustainable utilization.

This workshop examined the threats that climate change and the fragmentation of natural ecosystems pose to mountain environments. The focus was on mountains, and specifi cally those conservation connectivity corridors which include transboundary protected areas. The workshop endeavoured to assist the

Traditional farming systems and conservation of local cultivars and associated indigenous knowledge are under threat and growing pressure resulting in genetic erosion of crop diversity. These systems are an essential component of sustainable crop

This report is an output of IIED

Forests cover approximately 30% of the Earth

This paper attempts to verify the hypotheses that there is a greater likelihood that initiatives under the CBD process to achieve the 2010 target are more tangible than at the MDG level; that there is a need to link the targets and indicators of the 2010 commitments of the CBD with those of the MDGs; and that the MDGs can use the programme of work under the CBD as an interim indicator of successfu

Swedish researchers have launched a scathing attack on the scientific credentials of an international advisory body on biodiversity, warning that its effectiveness is being undermined by the increasing dominance of politicians and professional negotiators. Their concerns about the work of the scientific body that advises the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are widely shared, the convention's own executive secretary, Ahmed Djoghlaf, has told Nature.

Economics is abstract but not unfathomable. The truth of that statement can be seen in the attempt to elaborate a multilateral regime for

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its Fourth Assessment Report, re-emphasized the need for adaptation to address the impacts of climate change on lives and livelihoods across all sectors.

This paper focuses on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. It also addresses the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.
