Chinese experts visiting the Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) on Wednesday said deserts could be converted into productive farmlands and the same could be done in Pakistan also.

The Chinese experts and the PARC scientists discussed the areas of cooperation for development of agriculture sector in Pakistan.

Without forests to pump moisture around the planet, would the continents turn to desert? A new theory suggests they might.

Studies of three short projects in North Sikkim to document some of the biogeographic history including some of the traditional methods of wildlife conservation and subsistence lifestyles among the truly nomadic Dokpas in the cold desert and partially trans-humant Bhutia tribals of Lachen and Lachung valleys, who practice the Dzumsa traditional system of administration were conducted.

The present-day Sahara Desert was previously a lush green region redundant with wildlife, savannah and swampland owing to a prehistoric climate change in the eastern Sahara, according to an in-depth archaeological study that highlights this theory.

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The value of grasses to mankind has been recognized since very early times. The Poaceae are one of the largest family of flowering plants, comprising some 10,000 species under approximately 896 genera. Intensive and extensive survey over the last 7 years on the grass flora, family Poaceae of North-western Rajasthan has yielded uncrecorded seven grasses genera from this region.

Desiccation of the Sahara since the middle Holocene has eradicated all but a few natural archives recording its transition from a "green Sahara" to the present hyperarid desert.

In this paper, the role of "seabuckthorn" in greening the cold deserts of Himalayas in terms of its various uses like medicinal values, nutritional/food values and controlling soil erosion/landslides has been detailed.

Plants are an integral part of life and culture. Folk songs give an idea of plants growing in the surrounding environs of tribal's and throw light on plant-based practices in usage in various spheres of their lives, including the material benefits derived and recreational opportunities offered. This article talks about the desert plants like khejri, ber and its uses.

Generally, the mention of the world tribal gives vivid images of indigenous people living amidst dense jungles, and using a variety of forest resources for their sustenance. Such ecosystem people who enjoy the bounty of nature are the fortunate ones, as there are others who are not so lucky.

The erratic and heavy rainfall last year has turned a large part of the deep desert country into a vast submerged landscape.
