This report highlights the need to tap into the expertise available across research institutions, universities, government agencies and industry to create a thriving ecosystem of collaborative R&D dedicated to cooling.

The Climate Change Action Plan 2021–2025 aims to advance the climate change aspects of the WBG’s Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development (GRID) approach, which pursues poverty eradication and shared prosperity with a sustainability lens.

Although spending on science has risen worldwide, greater investment is needed in the face of growing crises, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recommended in a new report published.

Small island developing States (SIDS) face an uphill battle as they strive to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 crisis amid vulnerabilities worsened by the pandemic.

Over the past few decades, some countries in Asia have been more successful than others in addressing poverty and malnutrition. The key question is what policies, strategies, legislation and institutional arrangements have led to a transformed agricultural sector, effectively contributing to poverty alleviation and addressing malnutrition.

African Women in Agricultural Research and Development, AWARD, has released a report highlighting how gender-responsive agricultural research and development coupled with intentional focus on addressing inequalities in access to innovations between men and women, can propel agricultural-driven development.

This analysis investigates the potential mechanism and the practical significance of the impacts of agricultural value chain development in a geographically challenging rural area of a developing country. Use data from a carefully designed primary survey administered in the hill and mountainous region in Western Nepal.

In view of importance of regular reporting of the state-wise values of HDI, GDI and GII, an attempt has been made to compute HDI, GDI and GII using the HDRO methodology and available data sets for the States/UTs as well as for the country as a whole for the years 2011-12 and 2017-18.

The Industrial and Investment Policy of Mizoram 2021 envisions sustainable growth of industrial enterprises by encouraging more investment under conducive environment and better business ecosystem, proper linkage between farm and non-farm sector and creation of better employment opportunity.

The Republic of Albania has one of the highest shares of renewable energy in South East Europe. Hydropower accounts for the largest share of the country's electricity generation, representing around 95% of Albania's installed power capacity.
