Severe drought in California CALIFORNIA governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared emergency in nine Central Valley counties experiencing severe drought. Agriculture in San Joaquin Valley, under emergency, constitutes a us $20 billion industry. It is experiencing its worst drought in 88 years.

Farmers of Gwalior-Chambal region, who were facing drought-like conditions for the last four year, this year are a happy lot as the rains have come in abundance. Due to heavy rains in Bhind district, rivers including Chambal, Bainsli and Kwari are in spate. The farmers here are happy as they would be able to do agriculture in a better way. They are preparing to sow kharif crops. However, the farmers who had completed sowing during light rains are a little worried. The heavy rains in Bhind district have claimed four lives and it is essential to provide relief to the kin of those killed.

In India, there are about 30000 dams with large 4050 large dams as per National Register of Large Dams - 2002. Emergency Action Plans (EAPs)/Disaster Management) Plan (DMPs) are, however, not available for most of the completed large dams. The National Water Policy, 2002, recognizing this deficiency, has stressed for preparation of EAP/DMP for all large dams.

The Government of India adopted the first Flood Control Policy in 1954 and proceeded to construct 33928.642 kilometers of embankments along its rivers, 38809.857 kilometers of drainage channels dug to drain unwanted floodwaters and protect 2458 towns against floods and raise 4716 villages above the maximum observed flood level. It is worth noting that the nationwide floods of 1954 had a spread area of only 7.490 mh. This had gone up by 22 times in the 51 years between 1954 and 2004 despite an investment of Rs. 8113.11 crores till the end of the ninth FYP (2002).

By Venkat Parsa June 29: Despite a National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy and two pending bills, continued instances of forced eviction and failed resettlement and rehabilitation show that problems related to the compensation and benefit-sharing have not been properly addressed by the planners. This was stated by Delhi University geography lecturer Kavita Arora, a specialist in the subject.

UNICEF and UN-ISDR evince interest in the computer-based game; plan to take the idea forward Taking a cue from the established fact that learning is best acquired if taught in a fun manner, Pune-based Neeti Solutions Pvt Ltd has devised a new version of the timeless game Snakes and Ladders. In its new avatar, the computer game is aimed at teaching children about fires and earthquakes and how best to cope with them.

This time when heavy rainfall plays havoc in the city breaking all communication channels, the newly installed HAM radio stations would act as a saviour during the disaster.

The draft of the second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper has not adequately addressed two critical issues of food security

The Flood Control Order-2008 was issued on Friday and the Central Flood Control Room made operational by the Delhi Government in order to meet any exigency arising due to floods in the Capital.

Authors of a report (April 19) on post-tsunami shelter and settlement strategy of the Tamil Nadu government respond to a rejoinder by C V Sankar (May 17), officer on special duty for relief and rehabilitation.
