Even as the fuel tax protest has hit the headlines, incessant rains have brought the issue of global warming and environmental mismanagement to the fore

Britain s worst ever flood in 50 years could be a result of global warming

...Orissa s coastal districts still lies in ruins

A developing country like India, with a variety of building practices and social and economic structure, needs to evolve its own strategies for seismic hazard evaluation. Occurrence of few damaging earthquakes during the last decade has pointed to our shortcoming in risk reduction programmes.

After suffering a spate of floods villagers regain environmental and economic vitality

Computers cannot prevent floods a lesson that the Internet savvy chief minister of Andhra Pradesh is learning the hard way

the floods have once again ravaged Bihar. Claims made by the government that all precautionary measures were taken, embankment and anti-erosion work completed in time and that the floods would not be allowed to occur

Another monsoon. The season of suffering in India s flood plains. And of blaming upstream people for floods. Is there an end to this

At least 50 people were killed and hundreds were rendered homeless in Bhutan due to flash floods and mudslides caused by fierce rains. Lynpo Khandu Wangchuk, the minister for trade, said that

The year 1999 registered the highest number of disasters since the last 10 years. The trend for the last
