The global crisis has exposed underlying structural imbalances built up over decades. Reorienting the macroeconomic structure in fairer, more balanced and inclusive channels of development will help sustain the recovery once fiscal stimulus policies have done their job.

CEMENT prices are likely to increase by up to Rs 7 on Thursday, the third successive rise this year by companies looking to undo the jump in input costs, said dealers.

The world's urban population now exceeds the world's rural population. What does this mean for the state of our cities, given the strain this global demographic shift is placing upon current urban infrastructure?

Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar

NEW DELHI: The Delhi Industrial Development, Operation and Maintenance Bill, 2010, was on Tuesday passed in the Delhi Assembly after the opposition BJP walked out when its demand for referring the Bill to a Select Committee of the House was not heeded.

It is 15.69 per cent more than that of last year

THANJAVUR: The Annual Credit Plan (ACP) for 2010-2011 for Thanjavur district has envisaged a credit flow of Rs. 1465.91 crore under priority sector.

Union Minister of State for Finance S. S. Palani Manickam released the plan at a bankers' meeting held here on Tuesday. M.Karunakaran, Collector (in-charge), received the copy.

The lead bank of Bangalore Urban district Canara Bank has submitted the annual credit plan of Rs 869 crore for the year 2010-11.

The credit includes Rs 768.64 crore towards the priority sector.

A Carnegie paper estimates India's GDP will grow at 5.9% p.a. till 2050, compared to China's 5.6%
Jaimini Bhagwati / March 31, 2010, 0:17 IST

There is an increase of 19.65 per cent in the plan outlay of Rs 1,985 crore announced for Udupi district for the year 2010-11.

MP D V Sadananda Gowda releasing credit plan for 2010-11 in Udupi on Monday.
The credit plan was launched at the district-level review meeting held here on Monday.
The plan outlay for the last year was Rs 1,659 crore.

Pointing out that the current export duty was grossly inadequate to contain rising export of iron ore from the country, steel minister Virbhadra Singh has sought the Prime Minister

