An analysis of the Union Budget 2010-11 must take account of the fact that while expenditure on infrastructure is geared primarily towards meeting the long-term development needs of the business community, social welfare expenditure merely serves the purpose of immediate political gains of the parties in power.

Recognizing women’s involvement in commercial crop production and ensuring that they benefit from research, extension, credit, land tenure rights, market access and other elements of production, innovation and participation still requires a significant organizational shift in many agricultural services.

Among fast growing developing countries, India is distinctive for the role of the service sector. However, sceptics have raised doubts about both the quality and sustainability of the increase in service sector activity and its implications for economic development. Using National Accounts Statistics and cross-county data, show that the growth of services has been broad-based.

The analysis and projections contained in the World Economic Outlook are integral elements of the IMF

The annual Asian Development Outlook provides a comprehensive analysis of economic performance for the past year and offers forecasts for the next 2 years for the 45 Asian economies that make up developing Asia.

The global economic crisis has slowed the pace of poverty reduction in developing countries, and is hampering progress toward the other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), says the Global Monitoring Report 2010: The MDGs after the Crisis.

This report provides a cross-country assessment of poverty and socio-economic indicators for indigenous peoples. It is motivated by a recent study of indigenous peoples in Latin America, which finds high poverty rates among these groups, and little to no improvement in poverty rates over time, and a continued interest in indigenous peoples socioeconomic status worldwide.

In 2005, China surpassed the United States in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels and cement production; since then, it has been the largest CO2 emitter in the world.1 China's emissions have rapidly increased during the last decade

This new report by Mckinsey warns that lack of effective policies to manage urbanization could jeopardize India's GDP growth rate. Suggests adoption of a new operational model for cities with an investment of $1.2 trillion to keep pace with the growing urbanization.

This paper emphasises that a meaningful concept of sustainable development necessarily has to be holistic in nature as the economic, environmental and social aspects of human behaviour and
