The work in the B R Hills of Karnataka by H Sudarshan, a medical doctor, on the primary healthcare of the Soliga tribes is a rare example of the role of equity, social justice, maximum community participation and empowerment of the people, in addition to the encouragement of indigenous and traditional systems of medicine, in a successful community health programme.

Zulu's King Goodwill Zwelithini has urged African academics to use the information gathered from research to rewrite history books. The king was speaking at an event organised to commemorate the

In a classic clash between religion and science, a us federal judge has ruled against the concept of

The Mineral Foundation of Goa aims to: address environmental and social issues concerning the communities in the mining belt of Goa through formulation and implementation of developmental programmes; contribute to economic and social development of the local communities by training and capacity building; to facilitate tripartite partnership amongst industry, government and civil society for ensuring sustainable livelihood and mining; to chanellise the efforts underway and to pool together activities to improve the environment; to revive participatory approach in agriculture, livestock and fore

Kansas Board of Education in the us state of Kansas has redefined the origin of life. The board ruled that science classes in public schools should teach Intelligent Design (id), which casts

keep Your fingers crossed

First stock taking of science in India paints a gloomy

Modernising classrooms ADVENTURE LEARNING The paradox of much education all over the world has long been its inability to directly involve the world outside classrooms."What I did in school was stare

Beginning 1975, ISRO has been involved in several indigenous space utilisation initiatives. We take a close look at two of them, Edusat and the IRS programme, to evaluate their efficacy
