Government has been taking a number of initiatives to achieve gender equity in the social sectors like health, education, etc. and to achieve gender parity on social, economic and political arena. Providing equal space for everyone is the policy of the Government of India since its independence, and this is achievable only with change in mind-set of the common country men. To sensitize this aspect, reliable statistics have a major role to play.

This briefing note presents a general overview of El Niño phenomenon and its main impacts on children's physical and mental health, and education. It also provides a summary of the situation in some of the affected countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.

Africa and India have had a rich distinguished history, first ushered by Indian traders led by the seasonal monsoon winds before they upscaled their presence in the 17th century due to the abundance of spices on the East African coast. The colonial period brought with it a new demand for Indian Labour.

Judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Dr. Sandeep s/o Sadashivrao Kansurkar & Others Versus Union of India and Others dated 27/10/2015.

This book lays out a range of policy actions that are needed at the various phases of the demographic transition and uses global and regional experiences to provide evidence on what has worked and what has not.

The Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2015, the 46th edition of this series, includes the latest available economic, financial, social, and environmental indicators for the 48 regional members of the Asian Development Bank.

The basic premise of this report is that the conversation on the future of development needs to shift from a focus on poverty to that of inequality. The poverty emphasis is in an intellectual and political cul de sac.

Africa’s strong economic growth has contributed to improving people’s health and education in the past 20 years as well as major reductions in poverty in several countries, but a rapid rise in population has led to increases in the overall number of extreme poor, the World Bank Group said in a comprehensive report on poverty in the region.

Ghana’s strong economic growth in the past two decades helped cut the country’s poverty rate in half, from 52.6% to 21.4% between 1991 and 2012. This is based on Ghana’s national poverty line.

How’s Life? describes the essential ingredients that shape people’s well-being in OECD and partner countries.
