To press for more sustainable and equitable utilisation of the world s resources, India and France seek closer ties

spanish farmers are growing genetically modified ( gm ) artichokes ( Cynara

In the absence of a government policy on the use liquefied petroleum gas for

us efforts to come up with new ways to test and produce ultra clean fuels and pollution control devices for road vehicles has received a boost in the form of additional funds. The department of

Ice crystals, known as methane hydrates, found inside the seafloor, have tremendous energy potential. But humans are yet to tap them

Heat rising from the Earth's interiors melts the hydrate layers. This results in the release of methane which eventually reaches the atmosphere

The German capital Berlin gives a preview of the solar energy future

Uganda s solar electrification programme for rural areas

A plan to build 26 windmills in Maasoey, in the northern Norwe

Using a naturally-occurring iron-nickel alloy, some US researchers have developed a new method to produce methane. The scientists point out that if the process occurs within the Earth's crust, it
