Rejecting the pleas of conservationists, the constitutional tribunal of Ecuador has taken a decision which would cause irreparable damage to the Mindo ecological reserve (see Down To Earth , Vol

the biggest coral structure in the world might be threatened very soon. The Australian government has left the option of future oil drilling open near the Great Barrier Reef. tgs nopec

A recent conference proves to be a self revelation of sorts for the wildlife bureaucracy. It admits that protected area management in India is not making any headway

can detergents and ecosafety go hand in hand? Well, this might happen in Europe if the proposals of the European Commission's industry directorate are accepted. The proposals, aimed to amend the

The Union government s decision to strengthen small scale industries will have serious repercussions on the efforts to save environment

Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans. About 8 million metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean annually. Of those, 236,000 tons are microplastics. Tiny pieces of broken-down plastic smaller than our little fingernail. The billions upon billions of items of plastic waste choking our oceans, lakes, and rivers and piling up on land is more than unsightly and harmful to plants and wildlife. The report focuses on the long term impact on the marine life and humanity as whole

Mumbaikars to face plastic ban; will have to think of other alternatives

Plastic has an ubiquitous presence in our lives, it's all encompassing. A wonder substance that can never be destroyed, that has revolutionalised convenience, that has played a critical role in all technological advancements, from computers to replacement heart valves. Yet, it is now threatening plants, animals, marine life and even humans. We talk about the scourge of plastics. Can we live without it?

Maharashtra Plastic Ban: What's Banned And What Not?

Shereen Bhan speaks to Sterlite Copper's CEO P Ramnath about the escalation of protests in Tuticorin against the company's plant.
