
the presence of illegal genetically modified ( gm ) material in seeds is unavoidable, an European Union ( eu ) scientific committee has stated. The Scientific Committee on Plants (

Jan Pronk, chairperson of climate change talks held in New York, offers a compromise plan that gives away too much on sinks

In a bid to protect its beef exportsthe Argentine government concealed an outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease for monthsaccording to media reports. This disclosure was followed by an immediate ban

India s response to Bush is very disappointing

George Bush may not understand the science of climate change. But the corporate houses behind him will soon understand the global benefits of going green. Only this perhaps will trigger a reversal in the White House s stance

the European Union (eu), excluding France, has decided to end all barriers

Renewable energy certificates find currency in Europe

In what can be termed a landmark ruling, the European court of justice has deci

new rules to test and monitor the safety of genetically modified organisms (gmos) were approved by the European parliament on February 14, 2001. The rules include provisions like granting a

sweden, the president of the European Union, has proposed stringent rules for the European chemical industry to achieve a "non-toxic environment'. European Commission's (EC) recent 10-year plan
