
the European Commission has given its go-ahead to imposing restrictions by 2003 on the public use of 43 chemicals which could cause cancer, damage reproduction or pose a danger to human genes.

Recycling of discarded vehicles soon to be mandatory in Europe

The Basel convention guidelines to manage plastic waste miss the point: reducing plastics is the real solution

Eight pharmaceutical companies fined for controlling the vitamin market in Europe

Chemicals available in Europe would now be tested and labelled for their adverse impacts

there would be no sulphur in petrol from January 1, 2009, in 15 countries of the European Union (eu) block. This decision was taken by the eu environment ministers recently. The eu intends

Fuel cell buses set to steer Europe into zero emission era

to ensure safe food, the European Council has adopted a regulation setting legally binding limits on dioxins and other contaminants in human food and animal feed. The regulation will be effective

Negotiations over the past four years have diluted the already weak Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997. The protocol requires industrialised countries to reduce emissions of heat trapping gases like

The European Commission has recently adopted a plan for fostering biofuel production in Europe in a bid to ensure they account for two per cent of all fuels by 2005. The commission said the plan also
