
The needs of many were once again compromised to accommodate the demands of a powerful few. Given the alarming tilt towards self interest and unilateralism by the rich, will the concerns of poor countries ever be addressed in global negotiations?

Automotive manufacturers to put their heads together to survive EU recycling directive

the recent eu directives, which aim to monitor the quality of traditional herbal medicines entering the European market, have sparked off a lively debate in India. One school of thought fears the

US biotech industry gears up to play dirty in Europe

EU plans to give more weightage to environmental and public safety norms by amending agricultural policy

The memories of Belgium's 1999 dioxin crisis were revived with Germany shaken over feed grain contaminated by nitrofen, a cancer-causing chemical banned in the European Union (eu). Even though

Britain has failed to meet the April

Estimates say that around 38,000

US unveils safety net for its farmers, shackling global free trade and posing a threat to environment

Kyoto Protocol gets a boost as Japan and eu ratify pact
