There needs to be a major shift in global governance to better tackle such current and looming challenges as the climate crisis and rising security threats, according to this new UN report .

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Manoj Kumar Rai Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 12/04/2023. Grievance in the application is against discharge of sewage and solid waste into Katahal drain connected to river Ganga in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh.

The United Nations Trade and Development Conference (UNCTAD) in its latest Trade and Development Report Update warns that developing countries are facing years of difficulty as the global economy slows down amid heightened financial turbulence.

Fully financing the HIV response in Africa will produce substantial health, social and economic gains for the continent, this new report backed by the UN agency devoted to ending AIDS (UNAIDS) has revealed.

The theme study sets out the transformations that are needed for Asia and the Pacific to transition to a net-zero-carbon future in support of sustainable development.

South Asia’s outlook is shaped by both good and bad news in the global economy. Lower commodity prices, a strong recovery in the services sector, and reduced disruptions in value chains are aiding South Asia’s recovery but rising interest rates and uncertainty in financial markets are putting downward pressure on the region’s economies.

This policy brief has been prepared as an input into the G20 Energy Transition Working Group’s deliberations on the role of transnational power system connectivity in the energy transition, and how to best support the development of existing or new connectivity efforts.

Cooling has had a significant impact on global climate change. It is important to respond promptly and effectively to the climate challenges posed by the growing global demand for air-conditioning and refrigeration to achieve the Paris Agreement objectives and the mid-century carbon-neutral goals.

Over the last few years, India has been implementing several nutrition interventions as part of its national strategy to address malnutrition and associated risks.

Nature-based solutions can help cities become more resilient, healthy and equitable. But for urban nature to reach its full potential, investments need to be substantially scaled up.
