Extreme weather events impacted India on 314 of 365 days in 2022. Yet, major Indian banks have been unprepared to confront climate risks, according to a new analysis prepared by Bengaluru-based think tank Climate Risk Horizons.

Central Africa achieved real GDP growth of 5.0 percent in 2022, compared with 3.4 percent in 2021. The rebound in economic activity was driven by favourable prices for raw materials, in a region that is home to net exporters of crude oil, minerals and other commodities.

Low-carbon and resilient agrifood systems are vital to ensure the food security of a growing human population and global economic development. These systems are the processes and actors that convert natural resources and the environment into benefits and costs for humans through agricultural production and agro-industries.

West Africa experienced slower economic growth over the past year except for Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Mali, and Niger, according to the African Development Bank’s 2023 West Africa Economic Outlook report.

Decentralised renewable energy (DRE) technologies play a critical role in enabling an equitable energy transition and ensuring energy security for many emerging and developing economies.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Energy deals with actiontaken by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on observations/ recommendations contained in the Twenty-First Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee (2021-22) on the subject ‘Financial Constraints in Renewable Energy Sector.

The 2023 Southern Africa Economic Outlook, analyses the recent economic trends and developments in Southern Africa.

This paper discusses various ways through which Multinational Development Banks (MDBs) can mobilize private capital. The paper provides insights into innovative de-risking mechanisms and structures, to catalyze private finance for climate investments.

This Policy Brief explores the scale and nature of commercial opportunities from adaptation to climate change, whilst stressing that adaptation to climate change is also a public good.

The Gambia’s economy continued to recover in 2022, albeit at a subdued pace in a sluggish global economic environment. Real GDP increased by 4.3 percent (1.8 percent in per capita terms) in 2022, unchanged from 2021, when economic growth was recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic following a sharp deceleration to 0.6 percent in 2020.
