About nine months after it received a showcause notice on alleged environmental violation, the 300-MW thermal power plant by OPG Power, near the Mundra port in Kutch, Gujarat, has finally got a con
The Centre on Thursday set up a 15-member experts group for interaction with the local people in and around the Kudankulam nuclear power plant project as part of an exercise to allay their apprehen
The scientist in Canada got the results from a respected lab and held a news conference. The ice and bait man at a fish processor in Sitka, Alaska, heard the news on Facebook.
Rounding the northernmost tip of Russia in his oceangoing tugboat this summer, Capt. Vladimir V. Bozanov saw plenty of walruses, some pods of beluga whales and in the distance a few icebergs.
A lethal and highly contagious marine virus has been detected for the first time in wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest, researchers in British Columbia said on Monday, stirring concern that it co
The much-awaited roadway project at Rann of Kutch in Gujarat could not be discussed in the Standing Committee meeting of National Board For Wildlife (NBWL) on Friday in the absence of the site insp
Sustainably managing ecosystems is challenging, especially for complex systems such as coral reefs. This study develops critical reference points for sustainable management by using a large empirical dataset on the coral reefs of the western Indian Ocean to investigate associations between levels of target fish biomass (as an indicator of fishing intensity) and eight metrics of ecosystem state. These eight ecological metrics each exhibited specific thresholds along a continuum of fishable biomass ranging from heavily fished sites to old fisheries closures.