In four European cohorts, we investigated the cross-sectional association between long-term exposure to air pollution and intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery (CIMT), a pre-clinical marker of atherosclerosis.

Centre for Science and Environment is ranked 17th among global environment think tanks.

A pro-industry European Parliament committee failed on Thursday to agree a date to reform the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), raising the chances of political backing for early changes to prop u

Europe could have saved itself $100 billion by installing solar power panels in sunnier countries and wind turbines in windier places, the World Economic Forum's "Future of Electricity" platform sa

THE CHEAPEST AND cleanest energy choice of all is not to waste it. Progress on this has been striking yet the potential is still vast.

Germany's offshore wind capacity more than doubled last year as investors warm up to the technology, helping Europe's largest economy in its ambitious push into renewable power.

The European Parliament is today expected to clear the way for controversial ‘Frankenfood’ crops to be grown in Britain.

The devices represent a trade-off between power generating capacity, size and other factors
German researchers have built shoe-sized devices that harvest power from the act of walking.

Most of Europe is forecast to be warmer than usual in January, with higher winds boosting power supply after the region’s mildest year in at least three decades helped push electricity and natural

PARIS/MONTREAL – The year 2014 broke a series of heat records in France, Britain, Germany and Belgium, weather agencies reported Monday.
