A Rs 320-crore Germany assisted project to study the eco-system, climate change and its impact in Kangra, Palampur and Chamba has been sanctioned by the German government.

Climate change could alter the ecological impacts of the seasons, which could mean some big changes when it comes to our environment and agriculture.

The majority of the world's rich donor nations failed to meet their development aid pledges in 2013 and only one third of the money went to the poorest countries, a report said on Monday.

The European Commission on Thursday ordered Germany to stop using a banned car refrigerant within two months or face court action and possible fines.

Researchers have discovered a strange new type of brain cell that sends signals by bypassing the cell body altogether.

New data on carbon shows that China's emissions per head of population have surpassed the EU for the first time.

Global emissions of greenhouse gases jumped 2.3 percent in 2013 to record levels, scientists reported Sunday, in the latest indication that the world remains far off track in its efforts to control

On SEPTEMBER 23rd 120-odd presidents and prime ministers will gather in New York for a UN meeting on climate change.

Germany has become the first large European Union member state to start ratifying the extension of the emissions-limiting Kyoto Protocol treaty.

Rising sea levels are a “sleeping giant” issue that will put at risk coastal infrastructure worth up to $226bn, a new report has found.
