A report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) has concluded that eco-innovation amongst small and medium enterprises (SMEs) faces 'major financial barriers' across the EU.

Aid group Oxfam has called on other rich nations to follow the example of Germany, which has promised €750m ($1bn) for the UN's fledgling Green Climate Fund.

China may struggle to cut carbon emissions to levels that prevent the worst effects of global warming, a United Nations study of 15 major emitters showed.

European Union authorities have reached a deal with Germany on how to make its proposed green energy law compatible with EU state aid rules, the bloc's antitrust chief said on Wednesday.

Implementing patient cost sharing in the form of copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles is one of the more reliable methods for reducing health care costs. But imposing cost sharing reduces patients' demand for medical care, which sets the interests of insurers at odds with the interests of health care providers and drug and device manufacturers, who generally benefit when patients use more services. (Perspective)

Report is the first of its kind to prescribe concrete actions that the biggest 15 economies must take to keep warming below 2C

Response to foodborne disease outbreaks is complicated by globalization of our food supply chains. Rapid identification of contaminated products is essential to limit the damage caused by foodborne disease. Worldwide, foodborne disease outbreaks are responsible for $9B a year in medical costs and over $75B in economic losses. Yet relevant data required to accelerate the identification of suspicious food already exists as part of the inventory control systems used by retailers and distributors today.

When birds land, their wings adjust to the airstreams, allowing them to spend as little energy as possible.

European Union carbon permits had the biggest quarterly gain in six years as lawmakers consider permanent measures to curb a surplus that helped push prices to a record low.

The U.K. government said it will reduce the risk of power blackouts by guaranteeing payment for about 80 percent of peak demand for electricity generation.
