Coal dominated world energy markets last year by supplying the biggest share of demand since 1970, making it the fastest growing fossil fuel, according to an annual review by BP Plc.

European Union negotiations this week on planned energy and climate policies will focus on ways to share the burden of carbon reductions after 2020, according to an EU document prepared for the tal

BONN: A new round of talks on climate change sputtered to a close on Sunday, placing the onus on a UN summit in September to boost momentum for a global pact by the end of 2015.

World leaders will need to show “real political commitment” if an international treaty to tackle global warming is to be concluded in Paris before the end of next year, according to the Climate Act

European Union policy makers may reach a decision in the first half of next year on a proposal to introduce automatic supply controls in the world’s biggest emissions market, according to a senior

At least five people were killed in violent storms that swept Germany's most populous state late on Monday, felling trees, disrupting public transport and leaving some roads impassable.

The European Union's greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 19.2% compared to 1990s levels, according to the European Environment Agency.

China is the investment country leader in the renewable energy industry, the Global Status Report of the UN-backed Renewable Energy Policy network for the 21st Century (REN21) showed Tuesday.

Globally installed solar capacity will nearly triple over the next four years, boosted by strong growth in Asia, which dethroned Europe as the world's biggest solar market last year, according to a

Germany has drawn international attention for its energy policies in recent years. The term Energiewende – the country’s transition away from nuclear power to renewables with lower energy consumption – is now commonly used in English. The focus, however, has recently shifted to the role of coal in Germany.
