Germany will almost double the funding to clean waters in the polluted Spree River that flow past Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet on Wednesday signed off on a draft law that grants energy-intensive firms a partial rebate on a renewable energy surcharge after months of wrangling with B

The money Germany is spending on expanding renewable energy won’t help it meet climate goals unless it also replaces coal-fired generators with cleaner natural-gas-fueled plants, according to a new

The US Green Building Council (USGBC) has ranked India as No 3 among the list of top 10 countries for LEED outside of the United States.

Environmental health effects vary considerably with regard to their severity, type of disease, and duration. Integrated measures of population health, such as environmental burden of disease (EBD), are useful for setting priorities in environmental health policies and research. This review is a summary of the full Environmental Burden of Disease in European countries (EBoDE) project report.

There are now more than 400,000 electric cars on the world's roads - twice as many as a year ago, and on current trends there will be a million by 2016.

For the fifth consecutive month, electricity prices in countries neighboring Germany have decreased, recently released Platts data reveals, due in large part to increased solar and wind generation

The countries of the world have dragged their feet so long on global warming that the situation is now critical, experts appointed by the United Nations reported on Sunday, and only an intensive wo

India is likely losing Rs 53,000 crore from its economy as companies are unable to hire people with right talent for the job and are incurring high recruitment costs, says a study.

The German government will give its blessing on Tuesday to a sweeping reform of renewable energy laws designed to slow cost increases as Europe's largest economy moves to nearly double its green po
