The debate about state support comes as Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, is looking for ways to reduce the cost of renewable-energy subsidies after deciding to close its nuclear power plants.

German chemicals group BASF said it launched a legal challenge against the European Commission's ban of BASF's insecticide fipronil, imposed in July on concern its use as seed treatment is linked t

Coal-fired power plants such as this one in Peitz, Germany, mean the gap between temperatures are unlikely to be kept to 'safe' levels of warming, according to a Unep report

Germany's Social Democrats (SPD), in talks with Angela Merkel's conservatives to form a coalition government, will back European Union plans to prop up carbon prices by 'backloading' permits, party

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces opposition from some of her own conservative lawmakers to any move to back EU plans to prop up carbon prices, according to an internal party document.

A latecomer to renewable energy, Germany's RWE is trying to turn itself green at a time when it lacks the two resources it needs most: time and money.

“No reason to follow Germany, Japan which are cutting down on nuclear energy”.

EU car emissions fell 2.6 percent in 2012 from 2011, official figures showed on Wednesday, adding to a fierce Brussels debate on how quickly automakers can improve vehicle fuel efficiency.

Lithuania, holder of the EU presidency, has made a new proposal to weaken rules on how much carbon new cars can emit from 2020, in line with demands from Germany and its luxury manufacturers, EU di

Thousands of residents at Hazaribagh in the city are facing severe sufferings due to unhygienic environment because of hundreds of toxic chemical shops there.
