European farmers are likely to fall behind in the competitive world grain market as EU consumer hostility to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) drives away research and prevents cultivation of h

The European Parliament is poised to signal support for the option of withholding some carbon permits to bolster prices after political parties in the assembly reached a compromise tied to draft energy legislation.

Carbon allowances surged as much as nine per cent to an eight-week high after parliament industry committee members representing all the parties proposed amending a planned energy efficiency law by saying that the European Commission should put forward, “if appropriate,” measures that “may include to withhold the necessary amount of allowances” from auctions.

Germany's Centrotherm Photovoltaics, the world's second-largest manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) equipment, has signed an agreement with IDEA Polysilicon to construct a polysilicon solar PV

China announced on Monday it will prohibit its airlines from paying European Union charges on carbon emissions, ratcheting up a global dispute over the cost of combating climate change.

China said on Monday it has banned its airlines from complying with an EU scheme to impose charges on carbon emissions opposed by more than two dozen countries including India, Russia and the United States.

Beijing has said repeatedly that it opposes the new European Union plan, which was imposed with effect from January 1, and which Chinese state media have warned would lead to a ‘trade war’ in the sector.

Fears Germany will cap or cut green energy subsidies is boosting demand for solar panels, and uncertainty about the shape of the measures could give the country's battered solar sector an advantage

Germany is outraged at major cuts for solar electricity and at the possibility of cuts to other renewables being snuck in through the back door.

To protect the climate and overhaul our energy supply, we will need to do more than just expand renewables, we will need to do more than just expand renewables - we also have to start using energy more efficiently. But planned EU regulations are meeting with fierce resistance.

The European Commission on Monday took another technical step to bring all airlines using EU airports into its carbon trading scheme, following on from last year's court ruling that, despite loud i

Global renewable energy deals climbed 40 percent to a record high of $53.5 billion last year from $38.2 billion in 2010, as solar, wind and energy efficiency overtook hydropower as the main deal dr
