A Germany-based NRI scientist plans to introduce solar-powered health centres in remote Indian villages, aimed at helping rural people meet their immediate medical needs and popularising the use of

E.ON, Germany's largest utility by sales, will file a complaint with Germany's highest court claiming compensation for the country's nuclear exit, German paper Financial Times Deutschland reported.

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) said on Tuesday it will sign a contract next week with a consortium to build its 280 megawatt (MW) Olkaria IV geothermal plant meant to be operational

Germany must do more to encourage dialogue on animal experimentation. (Editorial)

China, the world’s biggest market for wind power, is bracing for a sharp slowdown in wind turbine installations this year, a move that will spark a “bloodbath” among wind turbine producers, industr

China's wind power generating capacity, already the world's largest, could reach 1,000 gigawatts by 2050, a study prepared by a think tank of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) s

Renewable energy has created a "gold rush" atmosphere in Germany's depressed north-east, giving the country's poorhouse good jobs and great promise.

German Government has announced aid of $7.6 million for flood relief activities in the floods affected areas in Pakistan.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Energy Agency Tuesday urged governments world-wide to cut billions of dollars in fossil-fuel subsidies, arguing the r

China, the world's biggest carbon dioxide emitter, will meet near-term goals to fight climate change but quick economic growth will mean C02 emissions will be higher than previously thought, resear
