There had been several newspaper clippings indicating that arsenic contamination in drinking water sources in Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh is creating hardship to the local people and several people are suffering from arsenecosis disease.

This research paper discusses the importance of managing rainwater in order to recharge groundwater sources. It indicates the potential of rainwater harvesting, when properly managed, as a tool to counter depleting water sources and ever-increasing demand for water.

The city’s ground water is not fit for consumption unless it is treated for both biological and chemical contamination. A ground water quality study conducted by the Central Ground Water Board in several parts of Hyderabad revealed that water tapped from the ground failed in a number of crucial parameters including tests related to total hardness and calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulphate and nitrate contents.

A federal panel sketched out its first vision of a regulatory roadmap for the booming shale natural gas industry on Thursday, urging more transparency on the use of chemicals and more careful treat

An  area  of  430 km 2  has been  contaminated and turned saline due to  sea  water ingress  in the inland  aquifers  along  the tidal  river  courses and   also  in low  lying marshy areas according to a study conducted by  Central  Ground  Water  Board ( CGWB) which was released Monday by Water Resources  Department Minister Filip Neri Rodrigues

The Standing Committee on Water Resources (2010-2011) presented this tenth Report to the Parliament on 'Augmentation of Depleted Ground Water Level, Sustainable Development, Conservation, Management, Use of Ground Water and
Prevention of Water Pollution'. It includes review of the total ground water resources of India ,depletion and pollution of ground water resources , measures taken by Government for ground water augmentation and other related aspects.

The groundwater chemistry in the shallow aquifers of the coastal zone of Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala, India have been examined in detail. Results, in general, indicate that the groundwaters is more or less deteriorated.

The objective was to determine whether the installation of deep tube wells to reduce exposure to groundwater arsenic in rural Bangladesh had an effect on the incidence of childhood diarrhoeal disease.
