The worldwide decline in amphibians has been attributed to several causes, especially habitat loss and disease.

The Endangered Species Act has become unwieldy. Time for a change

Forest guards use mobile ringtones to capture rogue leopards wandering into human settlements

When it comes to Karnataka's forest cover, even a brigand like Veerappan had his uses. His dreaded presence in the jungles in advertantly served to preserve the state's green cover, even though the bandit himself was an unrepentant poacher of elephants. "He kept encroachers at bay," admits ^ ornithologist and bird specialist H M.B.

function open_new_popwin() {'photo/photo_gallery.htm','','height=570,width=550,scrollbars=yes'); newwd.moveTo(250,75); } Clipped Wings In Uttar

So, is there any way the islands can be saved while maintaining the ecological balance of this unique mangrove system?

As an animal high on popularity charts, the tiger has fascinated and awed generations for centuries. However, with its range confined to 14 Asian countries today, its distribution has more than halved and so have its numbers.

The Italian government has decreed that starting July 2007, new and old buildings being put on sale will need energy-saving certificates. The initiative is part of the government's efforts to cut

This report outlines the financing plan for upgrading and augmenting the airport infrastructure in India. It responds to the direction of the Committee on Infrastructure, chaired by the Prime Minister, to evolve a plan for creating world-class airport infrastructure.

• A report found that 12 months after a ban on smoking in bars in New Zealand, there were no downturn in bar sales, tourism or employment, contrary to predictions of serious economic consequences to the hospital industry following the ban.
