“CHOLERA most forcibly teaches us our mutual connection.

Cholera continues to be an important cause of human infections, and outbreaks are often observed after natural disasters, such as the one following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Once the cholera outbreak was confirmed, rumors spread that

A storm unleashed torrential rains, mudslides and flooding in Haiti, killing at least 10 people, Haitian officials said on Tuesday after thunderstorms pounded several Caribbean countries.

The heavy rainfall across the region, which began over the weekend, comes after the June 1 start of the Atlantic hurricane season and as Haiti and the Dominican Republic grapple with cholera outbreaks that cou

A businessman nominated to be Haiti

Elizabeth Hausler aims to bring quake-resistant construction to the developing world : Interview.


An increase in new cholera patients in rural Haiti has raised concern that the outbreak may be starting to surge again with the spring rainy season, a medical aid group based in the United States said Wednesday.

Health experts in Haiti warned in January when the cholera outbreak began to slow that there could be a surge of new cases in the spring, when rain would help spread contaminated water.

In October 2010, a virulent South Asian strain of El Tor cholera began to spread in Haiti. Interventions have included treatment of cases and improved sanitation.

This report analyzes how the humanitarian community and the emerging volunteer and technical communities worked together in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and recommends ways to improve coordination between these two groups in future emergencies. 

On the anniversary of Haiti's devastating quake, Nicholas Ambraseys and Roger Bilham calculate that 83% of all deaths from building collapse in earthquakes over the past 30 years occurred in countries that are anomalously corrupt.

Rory Carroll

IN RUINS: A January 2010 file picture that shows earthquake rubble in Port-au-Prince.
