Worried about the staggering annual food importation bill in the continent of over $35 billion, especially the commodities for which there is comparative advantage, the Africa Development Bank (AfD

This Order may be called, the Regulation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Order, 2016. It shall come into force on the date of its final publication in the Official Gazette. The manufacture and import of the Polychlorinated Biphenyls in India shall be banned from the date of final publication of this Order.

After taking a beating from decades of logging, China's forests have begun to regenerate, but the problem of deforestation might have shifted to other nations exporting wood to the world's most pop

Malawi will import 50,000 tonnes of the staple maize from Tanzania to avert hunger after a drought that affected 2.8 million people in the southern African nation, state officials said on Monday.

South Africa will relax some of its tough rules on genetically modified crops so it can ramp up maize imports from the United States and Mexico to avert a potential food crisis amid a severe drough

We use data on food import violations from the FDA Operational and Administrative System for Import Support (OASIS) to address rising concerns associated with imported food, quantify import risks by product and by country of origin, and explore the usefulness of OASIS data for risk assessment. In particular, we assess whether there are significant trends in violations, whether import violations can be used to quantify risks by country and by product, and how import risks depend on economic factors of the country of origin.

Panaji: The Mormugao Port Trust (MPT) hopes to be able to accommodate capesize vessels at three berths to handle a wide variety of cargo, including coal, over the next four years.

The Philippine government said it will challenge a ban on GMO imports ordered by the country's top court, after the ruling rattled global markets this week over the threat of disruption to millions

In this paper we investigate how structural patterns of international trade give rise to emissions inequalities across countries, and how such inequality in turn impact countries’ mortality rates. We employ Multi-regional Input-Output analysis to distinguish between sulfur-dioxide (SO2) emissions produced within a country’s boarders (production-based emissions) and emissions triggered by consumption in other countries (consumption-based emissions). We use social network analysis to capture countries’ level of integration within the global trade network.

This article mainly focuses on the approval process of drug import and export from India. Now a day’s foreign pharmaceutical companies have a better legal foundation for releasing new drugs in India. The Indian medical regulatory system has become more complicated, and new drugs can take a year or more to be approved for marketing.
