This article analyses the implementation of the Ganga Action Plan and the various reasons for its failure in the highly polluted villages of Jajmau, clustered near Kanpur city.

if you thought depletion of stratospheric ozone layer happens only over the polar regions, it's time you relocated your view tropically. For, scientists have found the ozone layer over the Indo-Gangetic (ig) basin is getting seriously compromised, due to, among other things, the increasing load of atmospheric pollution.

It is clear that all cities face a common threat

This report is the second in the series and is based on the visit of the EPCA members to Kanpur on June 11, 2004 to review the status of the action plan submitted to the Hon

In this study, the authors assessed the relationship between daily changes in respiratory health and particulate levels with diameters of (a) less than 10 μm (PM10) and (b) less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) in Kanpur, India.

On August 14, 2003, the Hon

In response to the direction issued by the Hon
