K. Balchand


In Bihar

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has promised to provide a grant assistance of $25.6 million to help restore economic activity in parts of Nepal devastated by last year's monsoon floods.

More than 300,000 people living in the eastern and far western region of the country were seriously affected by the August floods, and the landslides that followed.

Expressing concern over disruption by local people in repairing of the Kosi river embankment at Kusaha in Nepal, the Bihar government on Monday sought Centre

The breach of the Kosi embankment in Nepal in August 2008 marked the failure of conventional ways of controlling floods. After discussing the physical characteristics of the Kosi River and the Kosi barrage project, this paper suggests that the high sediment content of the Kosi River implies a major risk to the proposed Kosi high dam and its ability to control floods in Bihar.

Far from providing reliefto flood victims, the state government and centre are busy blaming each other

River Kosi is subjected to severe domestic and industrial pollution and this recent study on the Kosi river concludes that due to high alkalinity it is not suitable for
agriculture. Also indicates that most of the pollution is due to the Industrial discharge and agricultural run-off and cattle dropping are the sources of organic pollution.

During present investigation medicinal uses of shell fishes has been studied. It was found that after removal of shell and mantle of Pila, Bellamya, Lamellidens and Parreysia, the flesh of these molluscs in various forms consumed for the cure of some aliments of local people and also provide essential animal proteins, steroids, vitamins and minerals to the people of the region.

The paper presents an account of the Kusaha breach of the Kosi river which has been widely perceived as a flood event in the media and scientific circles. It is true that a large area was inundated after this event but it is important to appreciate that this inundation was different from a regular flooding event. It is argued that this event marked a mega-avulsion of the Kosi river.

Poor sections to fare worse as Kosi wipes out land boundaries The Kosi floods in August were followed by a deluge of media attention on the victims. The media might have forgotten them in the aftermath of the Mumbai terror attacks, but the tragedy has not gone away. Apart from rendering millions homeless, the floods washed away farmland boundaries as the river changed its course,
