When nothing seemed to stop the desertification of the Banni grasslands, a government institution stepped in and showed the people how they can regenerate their land

The biological method of hospital waste management, which helps reclaim degraded land and cultivate medicinal plants, may be the best alternative to incineration

The stories of conquest and depredation of alang alang grass and gypsy moth show how serious

WALTER FERNANDES, director of programme for tribal studies in the New Delhi based Indian Social Institute, is a vocal critic of Development projects that dislodge people and degrade the environment. His study on displacement is the most comprehensive

The once fertile state of Gujarat now faces a future plagued by extreme soil salinity and large scale land degradation

God made all humans equal, but some are more equal than others when it comes to consuming the world's resources

A SATELLITE picture of the Earth, taken at night, would show a steady stream of light along the world's coastlines. Half the world's population - about 3.2 billion people - live and work within

A small area in northern Vadodara is cluttered with nearly 200 industries, most of them dealing in chemicals. This has created serious environmental problems. The water is unfit for drinking, the air full of toxins, and the once-rich farmland surrounding

Toxic pesticides that contaminate the soil and enter the food chain need to be replaced with non-toxic ones.

The Indira Gandhi canal project is a costly failure that has led to destruction of habitat and loss of arable land
