Shifting agriculture on the hillsides has been going on for centuries. In recent times, it has been blamed for degrading the ecology. Agriculture is a sound ecological management strategy, provided it is sustainable

Pakistan is incurring an annual economic loss of US $1.8 billion because of mismanagement in six key environmental areas, according to Omar Asghar, the country's federal minister for environment,

A total of 2.4 billion people across the world do not have any access

Over grazing is leading to the degradation of pasture lands

What slaughter mining and power plants have done to the people and the environment

Nationalisation of coalmines has failed badly

Desperate measures are the call of the day. Common people need to have a greater say

One of the main reasons given for nationalising the coalmines of India was to protect workers from accidents. What followed was large scale destruction of the environment. Now, the danger is not just from accidents that kill. For the residents of coal tow

almost four million litres of used engine oil seeped into the soil and conta

The human population in the world has crossed the six billion mark. With this the environmental cost of
