The Gawda Kunbi Velip and Dhangar Federation of Colomba unit on Friday filed a complaint at the Quepem police against a mine operating at Gulkon Donger for releasing polluted water and mining silt into their agricultural fields.

The ability of Calocybe indica, to degrade lindane and imidacloprid was studied in a sandy loam soil. C. indica grew well in lindane and imidacloprid fortified soil, but growth rate decreased with increase in concentration of the insecticides.

The aim of the study was to find the adsorption and persistence behavior of metalaxyl in different soils of Karnataka.

A former US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientist is suing the agency's officials and researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens, alleging that they manufactured and published false data to support the use of potentially harmful sewage sludges as fertilizers. The sludges have been linked to health problems in humans and cattle

Some 30 years ago, as the United States began to tighten its environmental regulations on residential and industrial wastewater, operators of sewage-treatment plants embraced what seemed an eminently sensible idea. They decided to take the rich organic sludge left over after clean water is extracted and sell it to farmers as fertilizer. The programme might well be as sensible as it seems. It is possible that the millions of tonnes of sludge being spread across the rural landscape contain no significant levels of toxic chemicals, heavy metals or disease-causing organisms.

The proposed industrial coastal growth corridor as well as series of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) on the Andhra coast must be stopped immediately to protect the rights of common people, according to the Industrial Coastal Corridor Nirmana Vyat-hireka Porata Samiti. Speakers at the dharna organised by the committee near the district collectorate protesting against the corridor said here on Thursday that the corridor and the SEZs undermined the livelihood of the already marginalised communities.

The residents of a couple of localities in Madipakkam have urged the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) and the Kancheepuram district administration to initiate action against the private oper

Due to increasing population, industrialization and urbanization a huge amount of solid waste is generated daily in cities and towns. In Guwahati city, the solid waste generated is disposed by Guwahati Municipal Corporation in the dumping site.

The huge amount of solid waste generation and their disposal has become a major case of concern at present. In Guwahati city about 500 metric tonnes of solid wastes are generated daily. The solid wastes collected from the various parts of the city has different heavy metal content dependeing upon the nature and type of solid wastes. Heavy metal contamination results from anthropogenic as well as natural activities and creates health hazards when entered the food chain through their application to soil.

Pot experiments was conducted to observe the impact of CdCl2, CuCl2, Pb(NO3)2 and ZnCl2 on chlorophylls of Brassica juncea, Brassica rapa, Lactuca sativa, Lepidium sativum and Daucus carota. Present studies suggest that depletion of essential micronutrients like Zn and Fe; or Zn and Cu; or Fe and Mn in the plant body after heavy metal accumulation may be one of the causes for chlorophyll loss.
