Preliminary study on the ammonium-biocarbonate di-ethylene-triamine penta acetic acid extractable heavy metals and their relationship with different soil properties were observed in twenty-one surface samples of newly established location of S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, at Chattha.

Assam Polyester Co-operative Society Limited (APOL) is situated at Rangia, which is at a distance of about 55 km from Guwahati, Assam. The mill discharges it treated effluent to the vast open area existing in the western side of the mill. People are having agricultural activities in western side of the mill and they complain very often about decreasing production from the land after the mill started operation.

The article discusses the solution to plastic bag pollution problems in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. When plastic bags clog the waterways they create bacteria-infected cesspits that further contaminate the already unclean water.

For 40 years the story of Brofiscin Quarry

I wrote last fortnight about how mining in Goa for iron ore was ripping its forests and devastating its people. I wrote of the violence and protests I saw in its villages, where miners were pitted against people angry at the loss of their cultivable lands and their water bodies. I had asked then

While mining continues to exploit mineral-rich areas and impoverish their people, a government panel ignores these costs to focus on fast-tracking private investment in the sector.
By Chandra Bhushan

We were standing between a massive mine and a stunning water reservoir. Local activists were explaining to me that this iron ore mine was located in the catchment of the Salaulim water reservoir, the only water source for south Goa. Suddenly, as I started clicking with my camera, we were surrounded by a jeepload of men. They said they were from the mine management and wanted us off the property.

Pak pollution check The Rawalpindi city district government in Pakistan recently launched a plan to shift industrial units in Rawalpindi city to its suburbs to reduce pollution in the city. The plan

forest fires hasten mercury accumulation in the soil and catchments, say researchers of Michigan University. According to them, forest foliage are huge mercury traps. When burnt, the mercury

In India 18,289 hectares of land is under various type of land degradation due to coal mining in which 1100 ha is by overburden dump. With the increase demand of coal and its opencast mining degrade 1400 ha of fertile land every year. This deterioration in the fertility is due to loss of soil through water erosion, contamination through leaching of heavy metals and siltation with runoff.
