Many leatherback turtles recently died while nesting in Guiana. While patrolling, a World Wide Fund for Nature (wwf) team found 12 entangled leather

The Tamil Nadu government is planning to reopen all the polluting tanneries of the state, despite the Supreme Court (SC) ordering

at least 1,000 tonnes of fish were recently found dead near the shores

the Delhi high court has banned the use of firecrackers and loudspeakers in the National Capital Territory of Delhi unless a special permission is taken. Their use is going to be regulated even

A new policy fails to address key problems of healthcare

Air pollution levels rise drastically in Asia; push health costs

Illegal smuggling of insects from the Himalaya comes into focus with the arrest of two Russians in Sikkim

The Andhra Pradesh high court has recently directed the state government to ensure protected water supply in the fluorosis-affected areas of Nalgonda district. The bench issued several directions to

Endosulfan aerial spraying banned in Kasaragod

Hydel power gene
