abestos negligence:Two Oklahoma state officials were found guilty of negligence by a federal court jury on August 20, 2007. In 2003, the guilty men, Guy R Hylton, Jr, city manager of the Elk City
Philippines president Gloria Arroyo banned fishing in the waters of Guimaras, which needs rehabilitation from an oil spill that has occurred in early August. Local leaders, residents, and a
As many as 57 species of fish in Haryana have disappeared over the past four decades as a result of pollution and high siltation of rivers, a study found.
UN's Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination strongly reprimanded the Botswana government over eviction of the Gana and Gwi Bushmen.
desalination plant rejected: The Chennai water forum has appealed to the Tamil Nadu government to drop its proposed Rs 500 crore desalination plant at Minjur in the state capital. The proposed
Japan recently lifted its ban on us beef imports, which was imposed due to threats of mad cow disease in the us cattle, in December 2003. Japan said beef from American cattle under 21 months old
Sheep route: The most formidable BSE theory till date. BSE could have originated in cattle fed with meat and bone meal (MBM) from sheep or goats infected by scrapie, a similar TSE. Captive or