Traditionally, India was recognized as a fish-eating country, but it was only after Independence that fishery has been recognized as an important allied sector of Indian agriculture. Over ten-fold increase in fish production-from 0.75 million tonnes in 1950-51 to 8.0 million tonnes in 2009-10 amply justifies vibrancy of this sector that has been exhibited in the country during the last six decades.

The United Artists Association (UAA) and Greenpeace India undertook an independent study in the Gahirmatha region to understand, examine and document perceptions and thoughts of fisher communities on income generation schemes and livelihood options as well as their perceptions and attitudes relating to the existing fisheries management and marin

KOCHI: Considered the most important effort at sustainable development of fish resources in the Arabian Sea, the one-and-a-half-month annual ban on fishing using trawl nets will take effect in Kerala's territorial waters on Tuesday midnight.

Roughly 4,000 boats will take the

The UNEP has launched a report titled "Taking Steps Toward Marine and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management: An Introductory Guide." The report highlights how planners and policy makers in local, national and regional governments can adopt an ecosystem-based management (EBM) approach to help ensure sustainable development for marine and coastal environments and the livelihoods that depen

Europe's fisheries chief sought on Wednesday to clamp down on overfishing by preventing fishermen from taking advantage of poor data on dwindling stocks.

Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki proposed tightening fishing limits for stocks where fishermen have not given scientists data needed to decide annual catch limits.

"Sufficient scientific data is still missing for the majority of the st

The Humane Society of the United States filed suit on Friday seeking to stop Oregon and Washington state from euthanizing sea lions caught feasting on endangered salmon in the Columbia River at the Bonneville Dam.

Last week, the National Marine Fisheries Service gave the two states permission to resume capturing and killing California sea lions deemed to be the most egregious offenders.


New Delhi Seafood exports during the last financial year have crossed the $2.67-billion mark mainly due to rise in demand from the US, Marine Exports Product Development Authority (MPEDA), sources said.

Exports to US registered a remarkable growth of 104 % in dollar realisation and 47% in terms of volume, while the total exports increased by 10.96 % in volume, 20.42 % in value (rupee ) and 25.5

Climate change can affect organisms both directly, by affecting their physiology, growth, and behaviour, and indirectly, for example through effects on ecosystem structure and function.

EU fish stocks are in an unprecedentedly poor state yet fish consumption throughout Europe remains high. The EU has been able to maintain and expand its levels of consumption by sourcing fish from other countries, both through the catches of its distant-water fleet and imports.

Despite a dramatic growth in certified fisheries, the Marine Stewardship Council has not been able to convincingly prove that it has reversed the overexploitation of global fisheries.
