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South American cane toads introduced into Australia to check sugarcane pests have become a menace

An environment ngo has asked the Environment Protection Agency of Queensland to reject the proposed sand mines on Melville Island, part of the Tiwi Islands. Matilda Minerals have proposed to sand

SC clears mill land sale: The Supreme Court (SC) has cleared the sale of mill land in Mumbai, setting aside an earlier Bombay High court order. The SC has upheld the Maharashtra government's

The us- based transnational New

The Supreme Court recently issued notices to the Union government and the Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh governments in response to a public interest petition. Filed by Neelambar Baba of

Rampant pollution and state inaction forces farmers to attack and kill a miner in Goa

The Filipino government has imposed a fine on a unit of Lafayette Mining Ltd, Australia, for two cyanide spills that contaminated the water system on Rapu-Rapu island. An initial fine of us $198,000

Sand mining in Alappuzha: People call the shots

controversial bill: A new bill that seeks to set up Sri Lanka's National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol has kicked off a huge controversy. The bill aims at reducing consumption and bans

To protest against mining activity by the Canadian company Ascendant Copper Corporation, in Ecuador, dozens of residents recently burnt down a building owned by the company. "The company is
