Enable Block: 

Just over a fortnight after the issuance of notice for auctioning mines, the Punjab and Haryana High Court today issued notice of motion to the state government on a petition filed in public inter

Operations resumed at five iron ore mines at the Bailadila Range of Dantewada district on Thursday, after remaining suspended for six days as adivasis picketed entry gates against proposed mining

As thousands of tribals continue to protest against mining at deposit number 12 at Dantewada’s Bailadila iron ore mines, saying the hill that is to be mined is home to their deity, the sub-division

The groundswell of protests by adivasis in Dantewada against a contract awarded to Adani Enterprises Ltd to mine iron ore deposits in a hill in the Bailadila range, has prompted the Chhattisgarh go

We use 2010–2015 observations of atmospheric methane columns from the GOSAT satellite instrument in a global inverse analysis to improve estimates of methane emissions and their trends over the period, as well as the global concentration of tropospheric OH (the hydroxyl radical, methane's main sink) and its trend. Our inversion s

The newly elected Modi government can address the issues in the energy and power sector and bring about structural reforms quite early in its term.

Asnani said that these projects have received in-principal clearances and that the preparation for their Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been initiated.

“The mining operations are normal and no filling up is being done.

Mining has been central to the social and economic narrative of Southern Africa, and has been a key provider of investment, employment, government revenue and infrastructure in the region. In South Africa, the

This country study and accompanying data sheet compile publicly available information on G20 subsidies to the production and consumption of coal (including coal-fired power) in India in 2016 and 2017.
