After scripting a success story in tiger conservation at home in the past few years, India is now planning to revive a two-year-old offer to help save the big cat in the world’s largest tiger reser

Kohima, May 8: Civil society groups have objected to the construction of a hydel project at Tamanthi on the Chindwin river in Myanmar.

The first National Biodiversity Strategy and Action (NBSAP) of Myanmar, adopted by Cabinet on 3 May 2012, contains 10 strategic directions on the following themes: strengthening conservation of priority sites; mainstreaming biodiversity into other policy sectors; implementing focused conservation actions for priority species; supporting local NG

This publication gives a brief overview of the regional consultation facilitated by ICIMOD and the Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Myanmar, to improve collaboration between China, India, and Myanmar in the Brahmaputra-Salween Landscape.

India has escaped a standoff — a repeat of the South China Sea squabble — with neighbouring Bangladesh following a ruling by International Tribunal for Law of the Sea (ITLOS) that India’s natural g

In course of a decade, Nepal and four other countries in the South-East Asia Region, namely Bhutan, DPR Korea, Thailand and Sri Lanka have brought down the number of confirmed malaria cases by more

Agartala: Timely vaccination of birds and animals, access to standard laboratories and maintaining bio-security are among the measures required to curb the sporadic outbreak of bird flu in India’s northeast, says a team of international and Indian experts touring the region.

Experts of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and India, who are on a five-day visit to Tripura to probe the causes of frequent bird flu outbreaks, have asked the northeastern states to maintain stipulated protocols to stop the contagious disease from resurfacing.

About 4 million hectares of crops are suffering from a severe drought in China that has hit 13 provinces including the major farming province of Sichuan in southwest China, state news agency Xinhua

A parliamentary committee in Nepal has given the go-ahead for China Three Gorges Corp.'s $1.6 billion hydroelectric-power project after the Chinese state-owned company threatened last month to pull

The average life expectancy of people in the South and South-East Asia will rise to 75 years in less than 40 years, WHO said Monday, insisting the number of aged people over 60 years will triple by
